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This category contains 2 posts

Glowing Spots and Plumes on the Moon

I’ve never looked into it much until recently, but lately I’ve come across alot of videos and news of specks of light on the moon’s surface. It seems like these have actually been seen for a considerable amount of time too. Here’s a couple of quick videos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIW2cLOgMl8&feature=related (skip to the parts about the moon … Continue reading

Atomic Wave Evidence

More Proof

You might have seen one of these images before, photographs of atoms. One thing you’ll notice in all of them is that the you’ll never seen a bunch of chunks orbiting around inside an atom. You’ll see only a series of layered bubbles. Atoms have the squishy structure of a soup bubble and are clearly not composed of particles, merely pressure waves. It’s true that the largest parts are merely the Valance shell, but the Valance shell itself is just the very outside of the onion of similar pressure waves within. The closer you go in, the tighter and less removable the waves get.

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